Old water mill “Valavica”

Over the centuries, the Mills were the main characteristic objects for Junik. Parts of the mill were also Valavicas, the main function of which was the processing of wool.

Our office had the task of designing this Valavica.

Today, Junik has only this one (from 15 of them), which today represents a rare tourist attraction.

A key requirement of this project was to minimize site impacts and the visual impression of the building itself. The design of the building had to consider the natural shapes of the landscape and the unique character of Junik. Design evolves from traditional realities and aim to be sensitive to the landscape while responding to the historical, local vernacular architecture and traditions. It is in harmony with nature through its minimal impact, form earth-tone template and through maximizing the use of natural systems. Construction was in tune with the architecture of existing facilities which maximizes the use of local building materials and specialized local labor; which engages community participation and supports their wellbeing and sense of participation.


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